Blue Nova: Your Path to Prime Online Real Estate

Blue Nova: Your Path to Prime Online Real Estate
08/07/24, 8:00 pm
What’s in a brand? Visibility. Impact. That undeniable je ne sais quoi that just lingers in the mind and on the tip of your tongue.
The right domain name is just like that.
What’s in a brand?
Visibility. Impact. That undeniable je ne sais quoi that just lingers in the mind and on the tip of your tongue.
The right domain name is just like that. Think of it as prime real estate. If you’ve got the right location, customers will magically appear. But then the real work begins. Spreading the word, getting them to remember you and come back again and again—that’s often the biggest challenge.
Search engine optimisation (SEO) helps, but a great domain name gives you a solid foundation to build on. When you have a premium domain name your customers are already searching for, it’s like a license to print money. You won’t have to work as hard to drive traffic to your site because it’ll be served to the customers you want based on their actual search intent.
Sounds simple enough, right?
The trouble is (and you probably know this) most top domains are taken. Supply is limited, and demand is strong, but the sheer fact that you’ve landed here means the odds are in your favour. A premium domain name can be yours for a monthly fee that costs significantly less than it would to purchase, and Blue Nova can make it happen. Our domain leasing model can put you at the top of page one and get your venture off to a great start. Much like leasing can get you into the car or home of your dreams, you can lease a premium domain for a fraction of what it would cost to buy.
Blue Nova offers thousands of premium domain names for you to choose from. We handle all the negotiations, and once the deal is accepted, the domain is yours exclusively until such time to decide to move on.
Why lease, you say?
Our leased domains are high-viz, in-demand, niche URLs that appeal to broad customer categories. If your brand operates in a competitive industry, chances are the best names are already in use.
Here’s another scenario. Say you’re a startup looking for funding. The more concise and punchy your domain name is, the easier it will be for potential investors to understand its appeal. With the perfect domain name to match your killer idea, you can’t lose.
And we know a thing or two about domains. We launched in 2002 as a premium asset holding company and began to build a premium domain portfolio, purchasing and acquiring domains in anticipation of the internet tsunami to come. In 2012, we rebranded as Blue Nova and started to monetize our portfolio. More recently, we established an exclusive partnership with to make premium domain names available to companies through perpetual leasing. We serve organizations in 47 countries and continue to innovate so our customers can realize their dreams.
More than half of all new companies fail within their first year. With that in mind, leasing a premium domain is a smart move. A leased domain is a valuable asset. It’s a perpetual lease, the monthly rate will never increase, and Blue Nova handles all the business to ensure you never lose control of it.
It’s also low-risk. If your business doesn’t work out, you can end your lease and call it a day.
With 28 domain categories in two pricing tiers, you have ultimate flexibility and limitless potential. It’s like becoming a rock star without ever having to woodshed.
Are you ready to rock it? Give us a spin. Your domain awaits.